Bad Breath Treatment

Bad Breath Treatment

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Bad Breath Treatment

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a symptom of oral health problems that can occur from time to time and in various conditions. When this condition doesn’t go away, it is called chronic halitosis. It can be considered a warning sign or message from your body. The primary symptom is foul-smelling breath that can be strong enough to be noticed by other people.

It’s a common issue that affects 1 out of 4 people, with approximately 31.8% of the population experiencing halitosis. If bad breath is affecting your social life, whether during presentations or board meetings in the office, or while chatting with friends, Puranik’s Dental Care offers exceptional and comprehensive treatment for bad breath. Our team of dentists provides individualized attention and the best possible dental experience for every patient.

hiding teeth
hiding teeth

What causes Bad Breath ?

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis ( gum disease)
  • Dry mouth
  • Tongue coating
  • Drugs and Tobacco products
  • Other mouth, nose, and throat disease
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Bowel obstruction
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dental treatment

The treatment we provide

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Proper and regular oral hygiene can help alleviate early symptoms of bad breath. However, if your problem persists and doesn’t improve, you must consult a dentist. They can recommend treatments and provide professional cleaning of your teeth.
The number of consultations needed to cure bad breath permanently can vary from person to person. Typically, you may require 3 to 4 consultations over six months, but the treatment and monitoring stages can be adjusted based on individual circumstances.
When the full treatment is completed, along with follow-up appointments, you will no longer have to deal with bad breath. Say goodbye to bad breath by visiting Puranik’s Dental Care.

Our first priority is your dental health and happiness