Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom Tooth Removal

wisdom tooth oval

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a specialized dental surgery performed to prevent the spread of infection in the wisdom teeth. These teeth, the last set of molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 to 25. In many cases, wisdom teeth do not have enough space to fully emerge, leading to various dental issues such as tooth decay, gum infection, severe pain, and infection in the surrounding gums and jaw.

dentist show dental jaw

You may need to see a Dentist for wisdom teeth treatment if you’re experiencing signs of

  • Pain or swelling in the Morals
  • Fever
  • Pain in the Jaw or Cheek
  • Pain While Chewing Food
dentist show dental jaw
dental treatment

Why is the wisdom tooth extraction proposed by dentists?

Sometimes, wisdom teeth do not come in properly and become impacted. In such cases, removing your wisdom tooth can prevent future problems and help save the nearby teeth from damage.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

1. Consultation

In the initial consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth and mouth to determine the extent to which your wisdom teeth are affected. Afterward, your dentist will recommend that you consult an oral surgeon to perform the tooth extraction procedure

2. Preparation

Then, your oral surgeon will take x-rays or scans of your wisdom tooth to determine its position and the type of root it has. Based on this information, they will decide which techniques should be used to remove the tooth

3. Preparation

Once everything is in order, your surgeon will administer anesthesia to numb the area surrounding the tooth. Afterward, your surgeon will proceed with the removal process

4. Post-Wisdom Tooth Extraction Care

  • Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing for the next 24 hours following the tooth extraction
  • It is recommended not to eat hot/spicy foods for 1-2 weeks as instructed
  • Take painkillers or anti-inflammatory medicines as prescribed